______Trapped In Here...------

Music's Playing

Artist:Avril Lavigne
Song: Innocence , when your gone

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Who Am I


Name : Nur Khadijah Birthday : 10 September Nickname : didi School : Tampines Primary School East View Secondary School Status : SingleAttached

My Likes

Food : Chicken Wings , Frozen Yogurt Drinks : Ice Peach Tea People : Parents , friends and boyfriend

My Hates

Mostly Hates

People : talk behind my back , backstabber , take me for granted Things : icky stuff Food : Nahh , i don't hate food:)

What i want

My Wish

5 mnths with hym
new handphone
acer black laptop
6mnths with hym
1yr with hym
canon camera
Big Teddy Bear
changing prepaid to line
watch movie "Karate Kid"
neckless with a K on it
go ETP with hym
black psp slim
biggest teddy bear
Apple Ipod Nano
collect $20
eating at pizzahut
watching " Eclipse "
watching "Despicable Me"

In My Memories

October 2009

November 2009

January 2010

February 2010

March 2010

April 2010

May 2010

June 2010

July 2010

August 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


was released school at 9.50am
me and hairy walked to Tampines Primary .
such a long long walk-.-
reached there and no secondary students were spotted .
so yeah , had to wait .
meet fairuz and amirah outside tampines pri gate .
walked in together .
the place was huge sia !
can get lost dokk .
walked around the school , saw cute primary 1 and 2 student=)
teacher were busy teaching the students .
then got this apek uh ask us to wait at the amphitheater .
so walked back to the amphitheater and slacked there .
saw our ex classmates .
miss them alot !
hahaha .
then we got bored so we walked again and luckily no one saw us .
walked up to lvl6 .
penat dok .
students cannot use lift seyh:(
saw our teachers=)
they all said " later 1.30pm we can talk kaay ? "
so i went out of tamp pri at 1pm coz meeting hubby
bought tickets for Step Up 3

weee ~
watched the movie at 2.20pm
while waiting , we walked around tamp mall .
bought things at minitoons .
and went to the cinema .
and and ,, the show was great !
thanks baby for treating me !
i love you !

The Trapped Soul |5:58 AM|

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

My blog is very dusty =)

well I'm back to update my blog to make it very very alive .
so today was a very boring boring day .
my hubby went to airport with his family .
sad sad sad:(
wake up at 5 for sahur .
slept back at 5.30
wake up again at 9.30 to get ready for tuition at 11pm
on the comp while waiting for my tutor to arrive .
finished lesson at 12 .
glued to the comp until 7pm=)
hehs .
well since i had nothing to do so i play computer uh .
watched resident evil and house bunny=)
texted people .
then at 7pm get ready for buke puase=)
and after that ..
hahaha .
It's like i have no life sia playing computer for many many hours .
so sad i have to wait for my hubby until 9pm=(
then i can otp with him=)
so yeah ,,

im a girl who have no life ,
sitting in front of the computer for so long ,
texting people is my hobby ,
slacking around with my friends ,
attached to my hubby ( Azli ) ,
entering this world on 10 sept 1996 ,
do the calculation if youh wana know how old i am .

p.s .

im a girl who is short tempered ,
getting jealous easily ,
love being in love ,
friendly once youh know me ,
sometimes crazy ,
hyper ,
love making people laugh ,
and and love making people happy =)

if youh hate me , i hate youh as much as youh hate me ,
if youh are a type of person who is a backstabber , Get Lost and don't ever think that you're gona be my friend ,
if youh treat me like an enemy , im gona treat youh back like how youh treat me ,
and if youh flirt with my boyfriend , im gona break youh into a million pieces=)

The Trapped Soul |5:00 AM|

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How can I forget you when your always on my mind ? How can I not want you when your all I want inside ? How can I let you go when I can't see us apart ? How can I not love you when you control my heart ?

Oftentimes we say goodbye to the person we love without wanting to . Though that doesn’t mean that we've stopped loving them or we've stopped to care . Sometimes goodbye is a painful way to say I love you .

You're the reason behind my smile , you're the reason for my laughter , and also for the reason for my happiness ... because you've showed me what love is but I never thought you're also the reason for my tears and for experiencing the greatest pain that could ever happen me ...

A million words wouldn't bring you back . I know because I've tried . Neither would a million tears. I know because I've cried .

I never knew I could feel so much pain , and yet be so in love with the person causing it .

Sometimes I wish I had never met you because then I could go to bed at night not knowing there was someone like you out there .

Loving you was easy , losing you was hard . Loving you is still easy , but knowing you are no longer mine , is the hardest of it all .

The Trapped Soul |6:25 AM|

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Friday, July 23, 2010

well today nothing much happens at school .
hmm .. but but got something funny happen .
darry and jordan was playing "cha" .
then after that i ask jordan to play "cha" with me .
then when we was scissors , paper , stone , darrly was lyke paiseh .
he thought jordan play with him .
he keep on scissors , paper , stone all by himself .
taq ley angs:):)
then 2 period of lang arts was kinda boring .
hmm .. nahh ,, nothing to elaborate about that lesson .
but but but uh ,, got something sway happen to me siaa:(:(
cannot tell !
hahaha !
after school went home with ezzaty .
meet hubby at 1.30pm
bla .. bla .. bla ..
slack at sunplaza there:)
then went to the library to return hubby's book .
then went to the repair shop to ask how much to repair my hp .
the first shop say $60 .
went to the next shop .
that guy bad seyh:(:(
he look at my phone , took out my sim card and memory card .
then he ask what's the problem .
then hubby told him what's the problem while i otp with ezzaty .
then suddenly , he go write some stuff .
he return the memory card and the sim card .
i was lyke wtf !
i only want to know how much .
he say he have to send my hp to the warehouse to see what's wrong then can tell how much to repair .
sad seyh:(:(
somemore i got no spare phone .
ask ezzaty is she have , she say no .
ask fairuz , luckily she say have .
haha .
went to bbt to take the phone .
so yeah , im currently using fairuz's budget hp .
i wana my phone back !
sad uh:(:(:(:(:(
i hope my hp is okaay:)

*baby don't leave me alone .. i need you by my side .. i love you so much ..

The Trapped Soul |6:39 AM|

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

well today is racial harmony day .
lots of people wear their ethnic costume .
but our class only 5 people wear .
kate jiwe 203 mah !
haha .

so first period was music .
went to lab to do the music thing .
teacher give us 1min of facebook .
then it was p.e.
raining dok .
so went to play area to do our p.e.
hmm .. took a funny video of them having p.e.
maybe i will post it at fb .
recess babe !
then it was science .
kinda boring .
nahh , nothing to say about science lesson .
then it was geography .
quite boring but the last part was fun .
teacher let us see all the class photo:):)
then it was assembly .
it was so lame-.-
then home !
muwahahaha !
so yeah that was it .

* baby I'm sorry for what i have done towards you . I really hope you could forgive me . I know it was stupid doing that towards you . I don't want to make you sad baby . Please forgive me .. Baby , i promise i won't do that again . I'm sorry .. Don't be sad baby . I will always love you no matter what . He is my past and i don't wana remember my past with him . I wana be yours always . So please baby , don't torture me .. Please oh please forgive me ..

The Trapped Soul |6:18 AM|

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

today was fun as i get to meet my sayaanq !

During maths , kena scold by teacher then kena detention for 30mins .
so yeah , after school report to the detention room and do our maths work .
anyway , during MT was kinda boring .
Coz there is only a bit of laughter .
hmm .. recess , me and ezzaty never eat .
Save money:)
after detention , meet hubby at my house bustop .
walked to my block and i went up to change .
slack awhile near my block then went to KFC to eat .
then saw my ex .
haha .
botak sia his hair .
and and and he is taller than azli:)
hahaha .
went to t1 and go to arcade .
play games at there .
total spend = $7
all use my money .
and i use $1 from my ezlink .
then slack again near my house .
time fly very fast and i gotta go home:(:(
he send me back and he give me a big huggy:):)
i loike i loike :):)
im missing my hubby:(:(
i wana meet my hubby again !
yahh ,, that's all for today .

The Trapped Soul |6:16 AM|

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Monday, July 19, 2010

19 July 2010

well , first was LA .
after that was MT .
damn funny seyh Cikgu Karmin ( CG )
he always scold us then make us laugh .
anyways it was fun .
after that was RECESS .
the most exciting part of the day .
then it was Science .
our teacher never come then the another teach us .
and also got one extra teacher .
the extra teacher scold us for little things .
lame siaa-.-
then it was Maths .
fuhh , fun .
as if .
pftt ..
then it was D&T .
teacher never come , stay at class do the drawing thing .
relief teacher was funny .
lol .
bla .. bla .. bla ..
meet syaz at canteen .
ezzaty MIA to Shafiee:)
haha .
bought food and drinks at bbt .
slacked at NP .
walked to 7-11 near Tampines Junior College .
bought smthing .
took bus 21 home .
and tada ard 3plus i was at home:)
good girl:)
after that bathe and sat at the comp from 4.30 till now .
currently chating , webby with hubby and texting .

* hope you get better ezzaty . tuhh luhh saper suroh naek basikal , kn bnyk darah kuar .

The Trapped Soul |3:25 AM|

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

17 July 2010
11mnths anniversary

Yeah , it was our 11mnths anniversary .
went out and celebrate .
but our celebration was diff then all of our celebration for our anniversary .
we play cards .
yeah , it was lame .
haha .
since both of us are broke , we played cards .
no money = no fun
hahaha .
lol .
it was kinda raining though , so cold .
need a hug:(
nobody hug me , sad uh:(
went home ard 4plus , coz he got smthing going on .
sad:(extremely sad:(
text him , bla .. bla .. bla ..
so yeah , our 11mnths celebration was lame , but at least i get to see him:)

18 July 2010

yeah , today continued our outing since yesterday was kinda short hanging out with him .
walked to tampines mall .
eat at McDonalds .
total = $11
thankiew for treating me Mac sayaanq .
walked ard t1 , then went to arcade .
total = $6
then walked to sunplaza and play cards again .
hahaha .
wow .
addicted to playing cards with him .
err ,, weather was damn cold , need a hug badly:(
luckily he was there to hug me:):)
was warm enough:)
bla .. bla .. bla ..
went home at 4pm
sat at home rotting to death .
nahh ,, joking only .
but yeah , was bored .
well im currently fb-ing , chating and text with hubby :)
cheers people .

The Trapped Soul |5:23 AM|

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

12 July 2010

hmm .. nothing much happen except we get to do D&T stuff .
haha .
lol .

13 July 2010
The most fucking day ever

Fucker !
well after school me , syaz and ezzaty slack at a nearby block near our school .
after that , we went to bbt to buy food and drinks .
we bought 2 ice peach tea , 1 ice lemon tea , 4 spicy chicken .
slack again behind our school .
den syaz throw away her drink but me and ezzaty never throw .
after we left the place , me and syaz kene caught by this one guy .
and he ask me to call ezzaty .
he said " girl , call your friend "
" go back to the place "
" pick up all this litter and go back to your school "
" i can fined you and you can all go to court . "
i was lyke wth !
fucker !
that guy got no lyfe man .
nothing better to do .
so yeah , took our rubbish and went back to school .
avoided the canteen , scared we saw our friends .
and he took our ezlink card .
wtf !
he left school and handed over our ezlink card to our DM .
told us to wait for him until 5pm .
haiyoo .
good luh people got nothing to do ask us to wait lyke stupid infront of General Office .
that's lame man-.-
so yeah of course have to wait until 5pm then our DM came back .
called my mom and told her what happen .
you know what ?
she said " bagos luh , keep on littering everywhere "
hahaha .
so DM called us and he talked to us .
he said he's giving us a chance and not to do it again .
he gave us 2hr detention .
he said smthing , in the end finishing with " ey look your father ! *push us* from the 4th lvl . "
we all laugh including him .
he decided to reduce our detention hr so it bcame 1hr .
so after that went home .
have to wait until 7pm when parents came home .
bought kfc for me:)
hahaha .

14 July 2010

hmm .. went to school , bla bla bla ..
first lesson , maths .
next recess .
quite fun .
haha .
next was history .
bored babe , but overall quite fun though .
next was MT .
funny siaa that Mr Karmin . ( not sure correct spelling )
always make us laugh .
looking forward to MT .
next was STAR lesson .
Boys have to go for the sexuality talk .
and then school ends:)
so me , syaz and ezzaty have to go to the detention room .
raihanah ask where are we going , we said " detention "
she followed us as she also have detention .
so we have to be in that boring classroom for 1hr .
text ezzaty during detention .
haha !
sempat seyhh text .
after detention meet azli .
went to sunplaza .
bla bla bla ..
slack with him then went to bbt to eat .
hungry . hungry . im so hungry .
bought cheese fries and 6 piece of smthing lyke chicken .
total $3.80
he paid $1
while i paid $2.80
haha .
after that bought ice cream .
then he send me home and he went home .
tada ! THE END .
haha .
lol .
well im currently chat , fb and doing absolutely nothing:)
Cheers everybody:)

The Trapped Soul |4:11 AM|

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

9 July 2010

nah nothing happen much .
hehs .

10 July 2010

went to madrasah as usual .
hmm .. nothing interesting happen .
bla .. bla ..
was suppose to meet my hubby , azli:)
but yeah gotta cancel coz got jemputan .
haiyoo ..
went to sengkang there .
bla .. bla .. bla ..
helped my makcik to move her things to her new house at wdlnds .
penat dok .
haha .
sweep her house .
then was suppose to eat outside then i changed my mind .
we then bought murtabak to eat at home .
bla .. bla .. bla ..
watched incredible tales .
wooo scary .
haha .
as if .
bla .. bla .. bla ..
otp wf hubby at 12am .
haha !
bla .. bla .. bla ..
he damn sleepy siaa .

11 July 2010

Finish tuiton at 12.30pm
get ready to go out wf hubby at 1.30pm
going to expo to the book fair thingy .
bla .. bla .. bla ..
bought 3 books .
was suppose to go to tamp but then decided to go to esplanade .
so yeah reach there ard 3plus .
damn hawt .
sweats lyke hell especially him .
he sweat lyke a pig seyhh
walked to the merlion park .
damn hawt .
haix .
walked to the esplanade to explore .
went to marina square to eat at KFC bt then taq jady .
took a train to simei to eat at Long John's Sliver .
mmmm ... yummy !
haha .
total of $15 spent on food .
weeee !
reach bck at tamp ard 6plus .
bla .. bla .. bla ..
reach home ard 6.45pm
tired siaa .
bt yeah i had a great time with my hubby !
currently chating , fb and doing nothing .


The Trapped Soul |5:28 AM|

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Thursday, July 8, 2010


its getting dirty sia this blog .
so long nvr update-.-
my fault .

5 July 2010

so ard 10 plus fairuz went to my house to follow me n my mom go penin .
11 plus went out of the house .
so many people seyh .
mentang2 youth holiday nmpk bnyk bdk teenagers .
reach there ard 11.30
bla bla bla ..
i bought 2 jeans .
yippie !
bla .. bla .. bla ..
went to tamp to eat at KFC .
i bought SNACKERS !
soo aft that , part with my mom coz i following fairuz to her house coz lt8 watching movie .
bla .. bla .. bla ..
meet up with jordan , jacob and dyana .
sebok je jacob .
haha .
so reach at cs to buy tickets bt 2.30 show finish .
3.45 finish .
so end up buying the 5.05pm show .
damn it !
as long as we get to watch .
btw , we are watching eclipse .
bla .. bla .. bla ..
show ended at 7plus .
slack awhile at t1 rooftop .
reach home at 8pm
kena scolded by mom-.-

6 July 2010
Anniversary with my bestie:) SYAZWANI !

so yeah it's our 11mnths ani .
hehe .
11 mnths of friendship .
so after school went to t1 to buy this necklace .
so pwetty u know !
haha .
it's a mood necklace .
bt in the end stupid coz its still d same colour(blue) which is happy when im sad .
bt anyway , its a nice necklace .

7 July 2010

nah , nothing happen much .
meet azli at 1.15pm
slack awhile .
den smthing happen .
cannot tell ahh .
hehe .
lame right ?
i know-.-

8 July 2010

same , nothing happen much .
except last period .
which is assembly .
stupid .
just that we came late kena scold .
haiyoo .
other class late never kena scold .
wth .
haix .
bla .. bla .. bla ..
went to bbt with syaz and i bought 2 spicy chicken wings and ice peach tea ( my fav )
haha .
went to NP .
slack there .
then smthing happen .
couples fighting .
bt luckily gt the boy's friend .
the boy go act macho sia want to push the girl infront of us .
after the couple went first , the friend said " sorry uh , sorry uh "
we said " nah it's okaay "
den we kpo abit , follow them .
the boy saw me n i pretend to tie my shoelace .
den look again then the boy saw again-.-
pretend playing hp .
then cabot uh .
haha .
walked bck home .
bla .. bla .. bla ..
6 got tuition .
haix .
finish at 7.30 .
currently playing fb and chatting:)


The Trapped Soul |6:15 AM|

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Monday, June 21, 2010

well yesterday i had a great day with azli .
hehs .
wanna know why ?
its bcoz he treat me to watch Karate Kid .
haha !
at last , i get to watch:)
so yeah , went out the house at 12.15pm as the show start at 1.10pm
well , i had to buy the popcorn and drink .
hehs .
it cost abt $6.50
went inside ard 1.09pm
alot of advertisement .
and you know smthing , azli ate the popcorn before the movie start .
hehs .
he's hungry .
damn hungry:D
during the movie he kept eating the popcorn .
haha !
when i want to take some of the popcorn , it was at least 2/4 full .
haiyoo ..
the movie ended ard 3.30pm
walked towards KFC .
ordered the ole ole thing .
hehs .
paid for my own food-.-
ate the food at 4pm
haha .
left the KFC ard 4.40pm
walked to the MRT station to topup my ezlink card .
haix .
went to the toup shop to topup my pp8 .
walk2 toward sunplaza and slacked for awhile .
reached home ard 5.35pm
went down to bu big glup from 7-11 .
reached home ard 6pm .
blaa ... blaa .. blaa
currently playing fb and chatting .


The Trapped Soul |6:27 PM|

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

sometimes i felt very confuse about my feelings .
i don't know what to feel .
everything around me seems to change .
as time flys , people change including me .
i don't know why suddenly i have this feeling .
it's just so confuse .
i began to doubt about something which i can't be so sure of .
something very important ..
faking a smile everyday is very hard for me .
smiles are priceless to me .
yeah , my friends/families/boyfriends do make me smile .
i'm happy for their effort to make me smile every single day of my life .
i appreciate all of them:)
can't elaborate about my feelings bcoz it's kinda personal .

The Trapped Soul |8:39 AM|

+ + + + + + + +

Sunday, June 6, 2010

hello humans .

well yesterday just finished my madrasah's exams .
hope i did well .
hehs .
moving on ..
after madrasah meet azli .
slack with him den go eat .
haha .
ard 6plus went back .
today got tuition at 11am
tutor reached at 11.10am
finish at 12.45pm
after that meet azli to follow me go library .
then , slack n bought Japanese pancake .
he bought chocolate n i bought cheese .
yummy !
but i prefer at Mr Bean .
dunnoe y .
hmm .. slack awhile .
bla .. bla .. bla ..
eat at bbt near my house .
the cheese fries at there nice siaa:)
after that went home ard 5pm
reach home , ask mummy give me money to buy smthing at bbt .
went with azli to buy crispy chicken:)
bla .. bla .. bla ..
went home n he went to the cc toilet .
haha caket perot .
kecian .
bla .. bla .. bla ..
eat my chicken n called him after that .
bla .. bla .. bla ..
currently chating n fb-ing:)


The Trapped Soul |4:09 AM|

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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

well long time no post .
hehs .
time for me to update this dead blog n make it alive again .

2nd June 2010

well today got up at 5am to get ready for SANA's course at Sengkang .
got out of bathroom at 5.35am .
haha .
bla ... bla .. bla ..
at 6plus , rained heavily siaa .
walaueyh !
text my frewn asking if they reach sch .
they text back saying not yet .
they waiting 4 the rain to stop .
rain or no rain have 2 reach sch at 7am .
fuck !
luckily my daddy send me:)
reached sch at 6.55am
sleepy siaaa-.-
boarded d bus at 7plus .
reached there ard 7plus .
bla .. bla .. bla ..
break at 10plus .
ate biscuit .
haiyoo .
water taste like longkang .
hehs .
bla .. bla .. bla ..
lecture abt drugs n stuffs .
12.30pm have out lunch at KFC at COMPASS POINT .
haix .
me n ezzaty ate snackers .
hehs .
did not get 2 finish my drink:(
went bck 2 d Sengkang CC at 1.05pm
bla .. bla .. bla ..
did our test .
the instructor check my paper .
he look at my paper n said almost .
damn !
i almost get it all correct .
haiyoo ..
bla .. bla .. bla ..
separated into 2 big groups .
did a skid abt drugs .
ours was funny !
group members are : Afiqah , ismail ( i think ), haziq , jasicca ( don't know how to spell ) n me !
bla .. bla .. bla ..
show a movie abt smthing which i 4get .
bla .. bla .. bla ..
did a competition on skid 4 the 2 big groups .
funny deyhh .
bla .. bla .. bla ..
dismissed at 4.30pm
reach sch at 5plus .
slacked at bbt awhile then went home .
currently fb-ing n chatting:D


The Trapped Soul |5:17 AM|

+ + + + + + + +

Monday, May 17, 2010

Baby its 17 May 2010 !
Our 9mnths !
happy siots:)

this morning rain siaa .
have 2 assemble in class .
bla bla bla ..
got our exams paper back .
pass !
yeay2 !
bla bla bla ..
got 2 stay back for history presentation .
bla bla bla ..
our group did not do well .
nvr prepare for anything .
bla bla bla ..
meet my sayaanq !
hehs .
happy !
ingt taq umpe dier .
every anniversary we never failed to meet each other .
isn't it wonderful ?
haha .
slack with him until 6plus .
went home .
bath .
went out 2 topup pp8 n buy bread .
bla bla bla ..
on9 n chat with my sayaanq !
hehs .
currently chating , webby n playing fb .
multi-tasking babe !


The Trapped Soul |6:40 AM|

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Friday, May 7, 2010

Well i just want to wish

kaay random much .
today was literature and art .
the paper for literature was hard but i managed to finish it .
haix .
dunnoe whether pass or fail -.-
art was okaay .
my hand got alot of colours from touching the final piece .
just finish it on time .
after school went to meet azli .
hehe :)
slack with him at Sunplaza until 2.45pm
went home , changed clothes n went out wf mama n my aunt to the airport to fetch my sedare .
reached airport ard 3plus .
waited until 4plus .
saw my other cuzzie at the airport .
i'm so anti-social with my mother side cuzzie .
so i sat alone quietly .
ard 4plus went to MacDonald with them .
my other aunt wanted to belanje us .
haha .
but me , mama n my another aunt wanted 2 go to swensen at Tamp .
hehs .
so we ordered light food .
ard 5plus went bck to tamp .
aunt called his son 2 join us .
so 4 of us went to swensen .
the bill altogether is $78.39 .
fuyioohh !
mom paid it by visa .
haha .
after that ard 7plus we separated from them .
me n my mom go to t1 to buy me a new shoe .
hehs .
got my new shoes at $24.90 .
haha .
i love them .
it's cute:)


The Trapped Soul |6:13 AM|

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

today was mother tongue paper1 .
damn hard siot .
idk if i did well or not .
after paper finish ard 9.30 slack ard with friends at leisure park .
panas uh sia -.-
me n syaz reached there first while the boys are late .
explore until we find tampines mart .
bought sausage with egg muffin n milo .
nice seyh :)
went back to leisure park .
eat n watched the boys play soccer .
ard 12plus went to tamp mart to walk2 coz boring .
haha !
ard 1plus we walked to afghan from leisure park .
hawt siot .
sweating lyke hell .
haiyoo -.-
too bad i have to go home 1.30pm
azli text asked me to go home n on9 .
fairuz call me to tell me that azli ask me to go home fast n on9 .
mom called n scolded me n asked me to go home .
so i went home with syaz .
took bus 38 home .
reached home ard 2plus .
on9 , chat with him .
he asked me if i can meet him today .
i say c first .
called my mom to ask if i can go out with him .
mom said yes but must be home by 5 .
haix -.-
meet him at 4 .
eat at bbt near my home .
walked to sunplaza n do my art .
at last complete page 5 .
left 1 more page :)
went home ard 5plus .
text azli n eat kfc .
currently playing fb n updating this blog .

The Trapped Soul |4:20 AM|

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Friday, April 30, 2010

hey peeps:)

sorry for not updating my blog .
currently bz with exams .
today is our first paper which is English Paper1 .
hope i did well for that .
finished exam at 9.30am
went to bbt with syaz and ezzaty to meet fairuz .
asked azli to go to bbt .
then , me , ezzaty and azli went to school's bustop .
waited for bus 38 .
in the bus 38 have ayu , raihanah , fairuz , ezzaty , sam , me and azli .
laughed alot in the bus .
heh .
reached Eastpoint ard 10plus .
saw Jordan n Fahd there .
went to sony style to check what time the shop open .
11am .
haiyoo .
Jordan n Fahd ask if we wana go to 149 .
we said later uh .
so then me , fairuz and azli went to kfc to eat breakfast .
then went to sony style .
Jordan called to ask if we wana go or not .
we said after fairuz went to sony style den we go .
after went to sony style , fairuz text Jordan to ask where is blk 149 .
Jordan , Jacob n haziq fetch uh .
damn hawt sia .
walaueyhh -.-
reached blk 149 .
saw hairy , fahd , merwin and isam .
sit near the basketball court .
ard 11plus the boys played soccer including azli .
heh .
damn hawt sial .
fuck !
ard 12plus they stopped playing soccer .
rest awhile .
den me , fahd , azli and fairuz went back to tamp .
fahd went to masjid .
haiyoo den azli say his leg pain to pray .
haha .
so me , azli and fairuz went to t1 to buy something for mother's day . ( which i don't know when )
bought her a cute pooh bear stuffed toy .
then walked to fairuz house .
waited for her at the playground .
then we seperated .
me and azli went to lpk at sunplaza while fairuz went to her aunty house .
slack with him at sunplaza until 5plus .
ouhya , we burnt the cap for ice lemon tea and it was cool:)
haha !
went back ard 6plus .
tired siot .
eat , bathe and chatting:)
currently texting , playing fb and upload pictures to the comp .


The Trapped Soul |5:30 AM|

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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Heylowh =)

Sorry for not updating .
hehs .
been too busy .
well yesterday was my 8mnths ani with hym .
happy siot =)
he gave me a puppet monkey , letter and his baby picture .
he's so cute when he's small .
haha =)
well forgot 2 take the pic of the puppet .
hehs sorry .
hmm ..
2day damn bored nth 2 do .
currently playing fb , texting n listening 2 songs .
will update more okaays ?
1 last thing ..


The Trapped Soul |9:55 PM|

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Trapped Soul |5:59 AM|

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Gerek uh sia .
these past few days azli fetch me bck from school .
hehehe :)
dpt jugak umpe my sayaanq !
happy gyler !

well first period was Science .
Boring ! -.-
Next was Maths .
After that Language Arts .
Then History .
Weee !!
Teacher nvr come can do anything uh .
gerek siotts .
hmm then STAR .
finish ard 1plus .
lpk2 with my frewns n hym at North Park until 3plus .
den i slack with him until 5plus .
Raining siaaa .
walk2 in d rain .
heh ONLY ME who walk in d rain .
HE , scared 2 get his hair wet .
heh .
went home ard 5plus .
he ask me 2 lend him umbrella .
went down 2 buy smthing from shop n pass him d umbrella .
slack awhile den my Kindergarten frewn said " fwitt romantic2 pee pt bwh block ? "
i was like mane ader ?
hehe :)
went home ard 6plus .
bathe and on comp .
currently playing fb , texting and waiting 4 my sayaanq 2 call .


The Trapped Soul |4:59 AM|

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

People listen up . This is how you want to know what's true love .

You know it's true love when no matter

how far the distance is he can still make you smile .

True love does not worry about the distance between ,
for the heart and soul travels through one's words

Loving you means everything to me ,
so whether you're miles apart from me ,
I just want you to know I really love you .

That's all what i can tell you people out there . Hehs .
Random post .

Love is like a fire .
Whether it is going to warm your heart
or burn your house down , you'll never know .

We always believe our first love is our last ,
and our last love our first .

What I have with him is worth it .
It is worth every lonely night ,
every tear I cry from missing him ,
and the pain I feel from not having him close .
It is worth it because he is my one and only .
When I picture myself years from now ,
I see only him .
No matter how painful distance can be ,
not having him in my life would be worse .

Remember to cherish you loves one tight .
Don't ever let them go .

The Trapped Soul |6:44 AM|

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Thursday, March 18, 2010


Name : Nur Khadijah Binti Chumari
Age : 13 years old
Birthday : 10 September 1996
School : East View Secondary
Mother : Muillah Bt Ali
Father : Chumari Bin Tukiman
Siblings : None
Blood : Javanese And Malay
Status : Attached
Fav Drink : Ice Peach Tea
Fav Food : Chicken
Fav toys : Carebear
Dream : To become an artist


Name : Muhammad Nur Azli Bin Rosli
Age : 16 years old
Birthday : 22 November 1993
School : ITE Balestier
Mother : Noor Naida Bte Hussain
Father : Rosli Bin Muhammad Nasir
Siblings : Fikri , Juwairiyah , Shafiyyah
Blood : Pure Malay
Status : Attached
Fav Drink : Milo
Fav Food : Carrot Cake
Dream : Info Com Speclialist

The Trapped Soul |4:58 AM|

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

17 MARCH 2010

we celebrate our 7mnthsary .
we meet at 1pm at our usual place :)
he bought a big present 4 me .
hehehe :)
told me nt 2 open it until i get home .
slack awhile at SP .
den went 2 KFC 2 eat .
he paid 4 everything .
swit kn ?
haha i noe :D
almost finish eating , i saw my ex .
damn !
let me tell u how i saw him .
i was turning 2 my left den i saw him .
i took my bag n d present n rushed out of d KFC .
shit sia !
hmm .. he quickly followed me n ask me what's wrong .
i said i saw my ex .
hmm .. walk2 ard T1 .
den buy smthing tat my ask me 2 buy .
slack2 ard SP again until 6pm .
cuzz text asking me im free .
i said " y ? "
she said " wana 4llow me watch movie ? "
i said " i have 2 ask my mom "
called my mom .
she told me 2 ask me aunty 2 called her .
i text my cuzz 2 say " yes , where should i meet u ? "
she told me 2 meet at s-11 playground .
he followed me 2 make sure im nt lying .
meet my cuzz n her mom n he went home .
kept d present in my bag .
damn big sia .
cuzz saw n ask " what's that ? "
told him just nw i celebrate my 7mnthsary with him n he gave me this present .
look bhind n i saw him .
told my cuzz n she turn 2 look oso .
haha !
reached tm ard 6.15pm
bought d ticket 2 watch alice in wonderland .
walk2 ard tm while waiting 4 d show 2 start .
enter d movie at 6.36pm
movie end ard 8.15 .
walk ard tm n cs 2 find hairband n rubberband .
found 1 in cs .
went home ard 8plus .
bathed n otp with him until 11plus .

given by him as my 12th b'day present .

given by him for our 3mnthsary .

given by him coz i wanted it .
hahaha !

given by him for our 7mnthsary .
hehehe !
cute kn ?

currently playing fb n downloading songs .


The Trapped Soul |7:26 PM|

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Saturday, March 13, 2010

yesterday went to do volunteer thing at marine parade .
we have to survey the residence .
my group got blk 51 .
heh .
it consist of 16 floors .
haha !
tiring siaa have to go up n down the block .
hahaa !
kene compete with the other groups .
heh .
ard 11aam we finish doin our thing .
had our lunch .
teacher took a picture of us .

then i took a picture of the boys playing with the " expired cake " .
hahahha !
kekeq siaa ..

then i ask suryani 2 take a picture of us using my hp .
hmm ..
the first picture have ayu , but the second picture don't have .
haha !
she was left our during the second picture .

reached school ard 12pm .
we ask teacher 2 take a group photo .

slacked at the bbt until 1plus .
reached home ard 1.30pm
watch tv n sleep .
ard 6plus get ready 2 go 2 my aunty house .
arrive at the house at 6.40pm
watched tv .
took pictures with my cousin from U.S.A Atlanta , Georgia

took picture of my cousin nye camera .
cool siaaa .

left the house ard 10plus .
reached home ard 11plus .
watched tv and called him until 1.35am
haha !
den msg2 with him until 2am .
currently playing fb n waiting 4 my tutor to arrive .

CAN'T WAIT FOR OUR 7mnthsary !

The Trapped Soul |5:47 PM|

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Friday, March 12, 2010

i miss you so much =(
i wana see you again .

today after school went to meet my boii at 12.40pm
at our usual place .
slack with him until 1plus .
quickly rushed home to changed 4 ncdcc .
walk to school with him .
slack at a nearby block near my school while waiting 4 my friends .
it was ard 2plus .
meet them , asked him to slack somewhere while waiting for me 2 finish ncd .
we learn abt MRT stations that have shelter for emergency .
something like that uh .
forget olreadi .
then we get 2 play anything we want .
me and ezzaty played badminton .
i have 2 be patient with her coz she sucks at badminton .
haha .
but im happy 2 say that she has improve .
hmm .. played with alot of people .
finish ncd ard 6plus .
meet him again .
haha =)
slack until 7plus .
talk2 abt what happen just now n then suddenly i felt my right arm cramp .
its all bcoz of playing badminton at school .
damn !
currently studying and playing fb ,
and of course missing my hubby !

The Trapped Soul |6:34 AM|

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010


nothing interesting happen today .
slack with syazwani and ezzaty and the boys at CARPARK .
damn funny .
bully jacob coz he hit me with his bike and he pushed me .
damn him !
fucker !
he got no balls to hit me back .
i slap him , pull his shirt , hit his head and step on his toes .
funny siaa !
gereek luhh oi !
hehe =)
then they play hide-n-seek at the carpark .
kekeq uh siaaa ..
then ard 4.10pm ezzaty went home .
haiyoo ..
kecianye .. =(
then slack2 until 4.40pm .
went home with syazwani and jacob .
stupid jacob followed us until we ride the bus .
reached home first b4 my parents .
hahaha !
awhile later my parents reached home .
bought me kebaab .
mmm ... sedap !
call2 my sayang until 7pm .
ard 8plus , on9 .
ask him to on9 .
currently webcaming my ♥ boyfiee ♥ and playing fb .
hehehe =)
i love him so much !

The Trapped Soul |4:49 AM|

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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Wednesday 3 February 2010 .

had my sports heat at tampines stadium .
support my friends running .
took pictures of some gays from sec1 .

took a lovely couple at the stadium .
Ezzaty and Shafie .

Thursday 4 February 2010 .

sec 2 ncd cadets went to smrt .
the talk was very boring .
there was food .
ate alot [ i think ]
haha .
camwhore when going home .

Friday 5 february 2010 .

had P.E. on that day and again i kena hit by the ball .
1 by naz .
another a sepak thakraw ball by a sec1 student .
stupid friday .
caught a picture of sexy fairuz .
haha =)

Saturday 6 february 2010 .

went out with azli ard 2pm .
walk2 until tamp MRT station 2 go to White Sands to go to popular 2 buy pen .
haha .
bought pen and then took train to Simei to eat at Long John's Silver .
haha .
penat dokk .
then took a train bck to tamp .
walk2 ard Sunplaza Park .
camwhore abit .
hehe =)

today i had fun with my ♥ boyfiee ♥
i ♥ hym alot !
hope i could meet him again .
i miss you , i ♥ you , i need you and i want you .

that's all for my post today .

2day its my 7mnths with syazwani =)

Happy 7mnthsary to me and syaz .

The Trapped Soul |5:21 AM|

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ahhhhhh !
I want a carebear .
can anyone give me ?
hehe =)

they are so cute =)

I love the carebear that is holding a yellow bird .
the picture on its tummy is a heartshape satellite .
it is smthing like violet in colour .

I love carebears !
They are fun to hug with =D

The Trapped Soul |8:56 PM|

This is what i felt today ..

Emo Love Quotes

No one knows
how it is that with
one glance a boy
can break through
into a girl's heart.

all you can do is smile
Move on with your day,
Hold back the tears a
nd pretend you're okay

I wish my grass was emo,
then it would cut itself!

I wrote this love note
with my own blood
so you know it came
straight from my heart.

Every night i talk to the stars
pretending its you..
it acts just like you though..
far away and
never replies to my questions

Not all scars show,
Not all wounds heal,
Sometimes you can't see
The pain someone feels.

I sit here crying,
not because I miss you,
but because I know
I'll never have a chance to hurt you
like you hurt me.

The pain you have caused
will never go away ...
it has dug a hole
in my heart.
And my heart will
never be the same.

The Trapped Soul |8:09 PM|


If I know what love is,

it is because of you.

When you came,
you were like red wine and honey,
and the taste of you
burnt my mouth with its sweetness.

There are many fish in the sea,
but you're the only one for me.

My favorite place to be
is inside of your hugs
where it's warm and loving.
I Love You!

Broken Heart Quotes

Don't Cry Over Someone That Won't Cry Over You

No Guy Is Worth Your Tears & When You Find The One That Is He Won't Make You Cry

If You Really Love Something Set It Free.
If It Comes Back It's Yours, If Not It Wasn't Meant To Be

Some Day You'll Cry For Me Like I Cried For You,
Some Day You'll Miss Me Like I Missed You,
Some Day You'll Need Me Like I Needed You,
Some Day You'll Love Me But I Won't Love You

Time will make you forget me but time will make me love you more than before.

If I never met you, I wouldn't like you. If I didn't like you I wouldn't love you.
If I didn't love you I wouldn't miss you, but I did, I do and I will.

My heart longs for you, my soul dies for you,
my eyes cry for you, my empty arms reach out for you.

Forget who hurt you yesterday,
But don't forget who loves you tenderly today.

Love can make you happy but often times it hurts,
but love is only special when you give it to who its worth.

Boyfriends come and go, but friends are forever.

The hardest part of loving someone is knowing when to let go,
and knowing when to say goodbye.

No pleassure, no expressions just an illusion of what should of but wasnt.

I hate you for not letting me have you.

Forget the times he walked by, Forget the times he made you cry,
Forget the times he spoke your name, Remember now your not the same.
Forget the times he held your hand, Forget the sweet things if you can,
Forget the times & Don't pretend, Remember now he's just your friend.

The day you finally decide to love me will be the day
after the day I have given up on chasing you

I hate to see the one I love happy with somebody
but I surely hate it more to see the one I love unhappy with me...

I had a dream and it was about you ...
I smiled and recalled the memories we had ...
then I noticed a tear fell from my eyes ... you know why?
Coz in my dream you kissed me and said goodbye ...

Sweet Love Quotes

If You Love Someone
Put Their Name In A Circle Not A Heart,
A Heart Can Break
But A Circle Goes On Forever

Loving You Is Like Breathing,
How Can I Stop?

Love Is When You Don't Want To Go To Sleep
Because Reality Is Better Then A Dream

If You Love Me Like You Told Me
Please Be Careful With My Heart.
You Can Take It
Just Don't Break It
Or My World Would Fall Apart.

The First Time I Saw You I Knew It Was True.
That I'd Love You Forever And That's What I'll Do.

You Don't Know What You Do To Me,
You Don't Have A Clue.
You Don't Know What It's Like
To Be Me Looking At You

Somewhere there's someone
who dreams of your smile,
and finds in your presence
that life is worth while,
so when you are lonely,
remember this is true:
Somebody, somewhere is thinking of you.

The Trapped Soul |8:23 AM|

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Friday, February 26, 2010

I'm sorry for the times you cried,
and the loneliness you felt inside.
I'm sorry for the way things were,
and the selfishness that you endured.
I'm sorry for the nights we lost,
and the deep pain it must have cost.
I'm sorry I wasn't the right one for you,
this has been the hardest lesson learned.
I'm sorry I wasn't there to show,
the deepest love you'll ever know.
I'm sorry for the empty days,
and the stresses that you still yet pay.
I'm sorry for the way I left,
I've never felt so much regret.
I'm sorry for the heart I broke,
that shattered with the words I spoke.
I'm sorry for the empty space,
that laid beside you in my place.
I'm sorry for the empty arms,
you fell into when times were hard.
I'm sorry for the days that passed,
Our love now will surely last.
I'm sorry it took so long to vow,
to love you forever here and now.

The Trapped Soul |7:15 AM|

26 / 02 /2010
is the worst day of my lyfe !

During P.E. kena hit by the ball 3 tymes on my head .
2 kena hit bck of my head .
1 kena my side of my face .
saket luh oi !
sway urh siaa .
cher say " eyhk you today ball magnet eyhk ? "
i was lyke , idiot sia , fucking pain bodoh !
hmm ..
bla .. bla .. bla ..
language arts got test about reporting writing .
I hope i pass .
hmm ..
finish sch at 12.30pm
mit azli at tamp inter .
slack until 2pm den i went home 2 change 2 go 2 cca .
reached sch late .
damn !
bla .. bla .. bla [ fast forwading .. ]
after ncdcc mit him at bbt .
slack until 7.30pm
den i went home .
reached home , kena nag by my mom asking why i go home late .
bla .. bla .. bla ..

ouhya this is a picture of me touching a rabbit =D

now im in pain bcoz of some reasons .
there's no need to know .
my head is really dizzy .
can't handle it anymore .
ahh ! why can't you all leave me alone ?
is that so hard 4 you to do that ?
i love you , i miss you and i need you .
outside i maybe smiling but inside im hurt .
if only you know the reasons why im like this .

The Trapped Soul |6:47 AM|

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

hey yaw !
2day at science was damn funny siaa .
haha !
0ur science teacher teach us a song about electricity .
he sang the song while he danced abit .
heh .
everybody laugh .
haha !
sial uhh .
well during science our VP came 2 our class to observe .
pftt ..
haiyoo .. tkley buwat bising .
bla .. bla .. bla .. bla
during star lesson we have 2 do presentation abt our CIP work .
bla .. bla .. bla ..
teacher let us do anything except using hp , talking n smthng else .
hmm ..
me n ezzaty were calling each other using our friends phone .
den i call merwin .
i wana end ezzaty's call when suddenly teacher come up 2 me n said " why ? i caught you using handphone twice . why ? "
i kept the phone inside my bag den she kept asking " why ? why ? why ? "
den my frewn kpo she go scold him .
haha .
jacob pn kena scold .
haha !
den she say " why ? tell me why you use ? why ? "
idiot siaa say why so many times .
haiyoo ..
den she told me " i want a reason why you use handphone in class . "
i was like okae luh .
hmm ..
end of class , let cher walk out of class first den cabot uh .
haha !
lpk pt bbt 4awhile den fairuz ajak me go t1 with her 2 buy adeq syia b'dae present .
slack with her at sunplaza park until 3plus .
saw org buwat dikir barat at there .
haha !
kekeq siot .
i tell her " eyhh , maner ader sial org buwat dikir barat pt sini seyh ? "
den she laugh .
heh .
reach home ard 3plus .
hmm .. that's all .

The Trapped Soul |1:38 AM|

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

well today i went out with my mom to bugis .
ard 3 plus reach bugis .
ate at swensens .
funny thing happen when eating the dessert .
hahahaha .
i ordered celebrity brownies and my mom ordered chocolate banana smthing .
heh .
here's the pic .

the chocolate banana thing .
it looks like a **** .
hahaha !
seriously .

the celebrity brownies .

half-way eating the brownie .

mummy eating the chocolate banana thing half-way .

tadaaa finish eating .
haha we ate at least 1hr seyhh .
lame dokk :)

the shop2 ard bugis junction until 6 plus .
took bus no. 12 coz raining .
haha .
reach tamp buy new school shoes .
reach home ard 7 plus .

The Trapped Soul |4:54 AM|

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