______Trapped In Here...------

Music's Playing

Artist:Avril Lavigne
Song: Innocence , when your gone

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Who Am I


Name : Nur Khadijah Birthday : 10 September Nickname : didi School : Tampines Primary School East View Secondary School Status : SingleAttached

My Likes

Food : Chicken Wings , Frozen Yogurt Drinks : Ice Peach Tea People : Parents , friends and boyfriend

My Hates

Mostly Hates

People : talk behind my back , backstabber , take me for granted Things : icky stuff Food : Nahh , i don't hate food:)

What i want

My Wish

5 mnths with hym
new handphone
acer black laptop
6mnths with hym
1yr with hym
canon camera
Big Teddy Bear
changing prepaid to line
watch movie "Karate Kid"
neckless with a K on it
go ETP with hym
black psp slim
biggest teddy bear
Apple Ipod Nano
collect $20
eating at pizzahut
watching " Eclipse "
watching "Despicable Me"

In My Memories

October 2009

November 2009

January 2010

February 2010

March 2010

April 2010

May 2010

June 2010

July 2010

August 2010

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ahhhhhh !
I want a carebear .
can anyone give me ?
hehe =)

they are so cute =)

I love the carebear that is holding a yellow bird .
the picture on its tummy is a heartshape satellite .
it is smthing like violet in colour .

I love carebears !
They are fun to hug with =D

The Trapped Soul |8:56 PM|

This is what i felt today ..

Emo Love Quotes

No one knows
how it is that with
one glance a boy
can break through
into a girl's heart.

all you can do is smile
Move on with your day,
Hold back the tears a
nd pretend you're okay

I wish my grass was emo,
then it would cut itself!

I wrote this love note
with my own blood
so you know it came
straight from my heart.

Every night i talk to the stars
pretending its you..
it acts just like you though..
far away and
never replies to my questions

Not all scars show,
Not all wounds heal,
Sometimes you can't see
The pain someone feels.

I sit here crying,
not because I miss you,
but because I know
I'll never have a chance to hurt you
like you hurt me.

The pain you have caused
will never go away ...
it has dug a hole
in my heart.
And my heart will
never be the same.

The Trapped Soul |8:09 PM|


If I know what love is,

it is because of you.

When you came,
you were like red wine and honey,
and the taste of you
burnt my mouth with its sweetness.

There are many fish in the sea,
but you're the only one for me.

My favorite place to be
is inside of your hugs
where it's warm and loving.
I Love You!

Broken Heart Quotes

Don't Cry Over Someone That Won't Cry Over You

No Guy Is Worth Your Tears & When You Find The One That Is He Won't Make You Cry

If You Really Love Something Set It Free.
If It Comes Back It's Yours, If Not It Wasn't Meant To Be

Some Day You'll Cry For Me Like I Cried For You,
Some Day You'll Miss Me Like I Missed You,
Some Day You'll Need Me Like I Needed You,
Some Day You'll Love Me But I Won't Love You

Time will make you forget me but time will make me love you more than before.

If I never met you, I wouldn't like you. If I didn't like you I wouldn't love you.
If I didn't love you I wouldn't miss you, but I did, I do and I will.

My heart longs for you, my soul dies for you,
my eyes cry for you, my empty arms reach out for you.

Forget who hurt you yesterday,
But don't forget who loves you tenderly today.

Love can make you happy but often times it hurts,
but love is only special when you give it to who its worth.

Boyfriends come and go, but friends are forever.

The hardest part of loving someone is knowing when to let go,
and knowing when to say goodbye.

No pleassure, no expressions just an illusion of what should of but wasnt.

I hate you for not letting me have you.

Forget the times he walked by, Forget the times he made you cry,
Forget the times he spoke your name, Remember now your not the same.
Forget the times he held your hand, Forget the sweet things if you can,
Forget the times & Don't pretend, Remember now he's just your friend.

The day you finally decide to love me will be the day
after the day I have given up on chasing you

I hate to see the one I love happy with somebody
but I surely hate it more to see the one I love unhappy with me...

I had a dream and it was about you ...
I smiled and recalled the memories we had ...
then I noticed a tear fell from my eyes ... you know why?
Coz in my dream you kissed me and said goodbye ...

Sweet Love Quotes

If You Love Someone
Put Their Name In A Circle Not A Heart,
A Heart Can Break
But A Circle Goes On Forever

Loving You Is Like Breathing,
How Can I Stop?

Love Is When You Don't Want To Go To Sleep
Because Reality Is Better Then A Dream

If You Love Me Like You Told Me
Please Be Careful With My Heart.
You Can Take It
Just Don't Break It
Or My World Would Fall Apart.

The First Time I Saw You I Knew It Was True.
That I'd Love You Forever And That's What I'll Do.

You Don't Know What You Do To Me,
You Don't Have A Clue.
You Don't Know What It's Like
To Be Me Looking At You

Somewhere there's someone
who dreams of your smile,
and finds in your presence
that life is worth while,
so when you are lonely,
remember this is true:
Somebody, somewhere is thinking of you.

The Trapped Soul |8:23 AM|

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Friday, February 26, 2010

I'm sorry for the times you cried,
and the loneliness you felt inside.
I'm sorry for the way things were,
and the selfishness that you endured.
I'm sorry for the nights we lost,
and the deep pain it must have cost.
I'm sorry I wasn't the right one for you,
this has been the hardest lesson learned.
I'm sorry I wasn't there to show,
the deepest love you'll ever know.
I'm sorry for the empty days,
and the stresses that you still yet pay.
I'm sorry for the way I left,
I've never felt so much regret.
I'm sorry for the heart I broke,
that shattered with the words I spoke.
I'm sorry for the empty space,
that laid beside you in my place.
I'm sorry for the empty arms,
you fell into when times were hard.
I'm sorry for the days that passed,
Our love now will surely last.
I'm sorry it took so long to vow,
to love you forever here and now.

The Trapped Soul |7:15 AM|

26 / 02 /2010
is the worst day of my lyfe !

During P.E. kena hit by the ball 3 tymes on my head .
2 kena hit bck of my head .
1 kena my side of my face .
saket luh oi !
sway urh siaa .
cher say " eyhk you today ball magnet eyhk ? "
i was lyke , idiot sia , fucking pain bodoh !
hmm ..
bla .. bla .. bla ..
language arts got test about reporting writing .
I hope i pass .
hmm ..
finish sch at 12.30pm
mit azli at tamp inter .
slack until 2pm den i went home 2 change 2 go 2 cca .
reached sch late .
damn !
bla .. bla .. bla [ fast forwading .. ]
after ncdcc mit him at bbt .
slack until 7.30pm
den i went home .
reached home , kena nag by my mom asking why i go home late .
bla .. bla .. bla ..

ouhya this is a picture of me touching a rabbit =D

now im in pain bcoz of some reasons .
there's no need to know .
my head is really dizzy .
can't handle it anymore .
ahh ! why can't you all leave me alone ?
is that so hard 4 you to do that ?
i love you , i miss you and i need you .
outside i maybe smiling but inside im hurt .
if only you know the reasons why im like this .

The Trapped Soul |6:47 AM|

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

hey yaw !
2day at science was damn funny siaa .
haha !
0ur science teacher teach us a song about electricity .
he sang the song while he danced abit .
heh .
everybody laugh .
haha !
sial uhh .
well during science our VP came 2 our class to observe .
pftt ..
haiyoo .. tkley buwat bising .
bla .. bla .. bla .. bla
during star lesson we have 2 do presentation abt our CIP work .
bla .. bla .. bla ..
teacher let us do anything except using hp , talking n smthng else .
hmm ..
me n ezzaty were calling each other using our friends phone .
den i call merwin .
i wana end ezzaty's call when suddenly teacher come up 2 me n said " why ? i caught you using handphone twice . why ? "
i kept the phone inside my bag den she kept asking " why ? why ? why ? "
den my frewn kpo she go scold him .
haha .
jacob pn kena scold .
haha !
den she say " why ? tell me why you use ? why ? "
idiot siaa say why so many times .
haiyoo ..
den she told me " i want a reason why you use handphone in class . "
i was like okae luh .
hmm ..
end of class , let cher walk out of class first den cabot uh .
haha !
lpk pt bbt 4awhile den fairuz ajak me go t1 with her 2 buy adeq syia b'dae present .
slack with her at sunplaza park until 3plus .
saw org buwat dikir barat at there .
haha !
kekeq siot .
i tell her " eyhh , maner ader sial org buwat dikir barat pt sini seyh ? "
den she laugh .
heh .
reach home ard 3plus .
hmm .. that's all .

The Trapped Soul |1:38 AM|

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

well today i went out with my mom to bugis .
ard 3 plus reach bugis .
ate at swensens .
funny thing happen when eating the dessert .
hahahaha .
i ordered celebrity brownies and my mom ordered chocolate banana smthing .
heh .
here's the pic .

the chocolate banana thing .
it looks like a **** .
hahaha !
seriously .

the celebrity brownies .

half-way eating the brownie .

mummy eating the chocolate banana thing half-way .

tadaaa finish eating .
haha we ate at least 1hr seyhh .
lame dokk :)

the shop2 ard bugis junction until 6 plus .
took bus no. 12 coz raining .
haha .
reach tamp buy new school shoes .
reach home ard 7 plus .

The Trapped Soul |4:54 AM|

hey last friday on the 19 February we had our cross country which is held at bedok reservoir .
it was fun !
haha !
after the cross country , we took some pictures ..

well i only have 1 picture -.-
the rest is with my frewn .
hmm .. after cross country , me , ezzaty and syazwani went 2 bedok floating platform .
walk2 for awhile den sit down den camwhore .
hahaha !

( syazwani , ezzaty , khadijah )

crazy ezzaty -.-

ezzaty is missing her boyfrewn .

ezzaty mcm bdk kecik seyhh ..
hahaha !

well that's the end of the pictures i took .
cya in the next post .


The Trapped Soul |4:35 AM|

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010


The Trapped Soul |1:05 AM|

Well today is 17 February 2010 .
My 6th anniversary with him .

Well today is my 6th anniwersary with him and i can't mit him .
How sadd ...
hmm ..
Well today's first period was
science . veryy boringg -.-
after that was maths ..
hmm .. got 1 student fight with the teacher .
heh ..
haiyooo ape luhh nak jady nan bdk2 zaman skrg ?
den RECESS !
followed by Language Arts .
hmm ..
after that History .
never knew got test .
cnfirm fail siaa .
never learn wat .
hmphh .. do test until 12.06pm
teacher talk2 until 12.15pm
after that Star .
We have 2 do presentation about CIP ( pollution )
hmm ..
first group was haziq's , amirah's , liping's and nurhan's
Den finished school .
went 2 bbt 2 buy drinks n chicken den went home .
reach home , nobody at home -.-
buang mase je balek umah cpt2 .
haiyooo ..
playing comp n currently playing fb .

The Trapped Soul |12:36 AM|

+ + + + + + + +

Sunday, February 14, 2010

hmm ... well yesterday was 14 February and its VALENTINE'S DAY !
yesterday aft tuition , went out with azli .
hmm .. we boarded bus 15 to Pasir Ris Interchange .
Walk2 to Ehub .
Saw lion dance at lvl3 of Ehub .
He's scared of the lion dance .
Hahaha pity him luhh seyh .
Hmm ..
Watch Valentine's day movie at 1.50pm

Overall rating of the show 10/10

hahaha !
hmm ..

hahaha ..
hmm the ticket cost $10 .
expensive siaa ..
Thanks sayang for treating me to watch this movie with you .

After the movie , we bought cotton candy .
hehehe ..
mcm bdk kecik .

haha kekeq uh siaa ..
then my s'dare text me 2 ask if i wanted 2 follow her 2 the beach .
i said yes .
hmm ..
we boarded bus 21 .
camwhore inside d bus ..
~ weeee ~

reached my house's bustop ard 4.50pm
slack awhile b4 he go home .
reached home ard 5pm .
eat and played comp awhile .
cousin text , ask me 2 wait at POSB near my house .
first2 decided 2 go Pasir Ris Park den tk jady coz tkde parking lots that r free .
hmm ..
den they decided 2 go 2 Punggol 2 play layang2 at the padang .
fuyiohh ! Gerek !
haahah !
den aft that , we went 2 my s'dare house at Punggol .
eat , watch scary movie and make lots of noise .
hmm ..
camwhore with my cuzzie :)

hmm .. aft that went home .
i reached home ard 11pm .
den otp with sayang !
hahaha !
hmm .. slept ard 12plus .
3am we called AGAIN .
hahaha !

The Trapped Soul |6:16 PM|

+ + + + + + + +

Saturday, February 13, 2010

People celebrate valentine's day but not me .
I'm sad yet confuse about my life .
I don't know what to do .
Tomorrow i'm going out with him and i hope i will be happy .
Please sayang forgive me what i said to you .
I'm sorry :(

I love you so much .

Here's a valentine poem :

Be my Valentine, for I
Each day have thought of you.
My whole life couldn't manage what
Your ready smile can do,
Vanquishing my loneliness
As though all light were new.
Let me be your Valentine
Even as you're mine,
Needing what I have to give
That each might each define
In friendship and in harmony,
Now you, now I the melody,
Each helping each to shine.

The Trapped Soul |12:31 AM|

+ + + + + + + +

Sunday, February 7, 2010

harlo :)

yesterday went out with him to KFC at Ehub !
went out of the house around 1 plus .
reach KFC around 1.30pm
ordered food and ate .
suddenly the cheese from the cheese fries drop into my drink .

see the yellow colour thing inside the coke ?
heh .
disgusting siaa -.-
then he gave me his drink to make up for it .
haha !
took a picture of him eating .

he eat alot siaa .
ahahaha !
took a picture of me .

after that walk - walk around pasir ris park .
then slack with him .
here's the pictures .

well today i also went out with him .
haha !
today we went to pasir ris park AGAIN .
we ate at McDonalds .
i ordered McWings and he ordered Double Cheese Burger .
after that went to pasir ris beach to get some fresh air .
took some pictures .

Ouhya that's my new shoes :)

after that went to shop n save near my house to buy things for my mom .
then slack with him for awhile before i went home .
then at home i edit - edit some pictures .
here's the pictures that i edited .

nice right ?
hehehe ..

till the next post .

The Trapped Soul |3:18 AM|

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