______Trapped In Here...------

Music's Playing

Artist:Avril Lavigne
Song: Innocence , when your gone

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Who Am I


Name : Nur Khadijah Birthday : 10 September Nickname : didi School : Tampines Primary School East View Secondary School Status : SingleAttached

My Likes

Food : Chicken Wings , Frozen Yogurt Drinks : Ice Peach Tea People : Parents , friends and boyfriend

My Hates

Mostly Hates

People : talk behind my back , backstabber , take me for granted Things : icky stuff Food : Nahh , i don't hate food:)

What i want

My Wish

5 mnths with hym
new handphone
acer black laptop
6mnths with hym
1yr with hym
canon camera
Big Teddy Bear
changing prepaid to line
watch movie "Karate Kid"
neckless with a K on it
go ETP with hym
black psp slim
biggest teddy bear
Apple Ipod Nano
collect $20
eating at pizzahut
watching " Eclipse "
watching "Despicable Me"

In My Memories

October 2009

November 2009

January 2010

February 2010

March 2010

April 2010

May 2010

June 2010

July 2010

August 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


was released school at 9.50am
me and hairy walked to Tampines Primary .
such a long long walk-.-
reached there and no secondary students were spotted .
so yeah , had to wait .
meet fairuz and amirah outside tampines pri gate .
walked in together .
the place was huge sia !
can get lost dokk .
walked around the school , saw cute primary 1 and 2 student=)
teacher were busy teaching the students .
then got this apek uh ask us to wait at the amphitheater .
so walked back to the amphitheater and slacked there .
saw our ex classmates .
miss them alot !
hahaha .
then we got bored so we walked again and luckily no one saw us .
walked up to lvl6 .
penat dok .
students cannot use lift seyh:(
saw our teachers=)
they all said " later 1.30pm we can talk kaay ? "
so i went out of tamp pri at 1pm coz meeting hubby
bought tickets for Step Up 3

weee ~
watched the movie at 2.20pm
while waiting , we walked around tamp mall .
bought things at minitoons .
and went to the cinema .
and and ,, the show was great !
thanks baby for treating me !
i love you !

The Trapped Soul |5:58 AM|

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

My blog is very dusty =)

well I'm back to update my blog to make it very very alive .
so today was a very boring boring day .
my hubby went to airport with his family .
sad sad sad:(
wake up at 5 for sahur .
slept back at 5.30
wake up again at 9.30 to get ready for tuition at 11pm
on the comp while waiting for my tutor to arrive .
finished lesson at 12 .
glued to the comp until 7pm=)
hehs .
well since i had nothing to do so i play computer uh .
watched resident evil and house bunny=)
texted people .
then at 7pm get ready for buke puase=)
and after that ..
hahaha .
It's like i have no life sia playing computer for many many hours .
so sad i have to wait for my hubby until 9pm=(
then i can otp with him=)
so yeah ,,

im a girl who have no life ,
sitting in front of the computer for so long ,
texting people is my hobby ,
slacking around with my friends ,
attached to my hubby ( Azli ) ,
entering this world on 10 sept 1996 ,
do the calculation if youh wana know how old i am .

p.s .

im a girl who is short tempered ,
getting jealous easily ,
love being in love ,
friendly once youh know me ,
sometimes crazy ,
hyper ,
love making people laugh ,
and and love making people happy =)

if youh hate me , i hate youh as much as youh hate me ,
if youh are a type of person who is a backstabber , Get Lost and don't ever think that you're gona be my friend ,
if youh treat me like an enemy , im gona treat youh back like how youh treat me ,
and if youh flirt with my boyfriend , im gona break youh into a million pieces=)

The Trapped Soul |5:00 AM|

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